BYU-Idaho Elective Courses
Article Overview
1.BYU-Idaho Elective Courses
2. Elective Courses for Students on the 2019-2023 Catalog Year
3. Elective Courses for Students on the  2024 Catalog Year
Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have pre-requisites.
1. BYU-Idaho Elective Courses
BYU-Pathway Worldwide students attending BYU-Idaho will follow the electives offerings contained within this article only. Use the appropriate section depending on your catalog year. You can find your catalog year on your Degree Audit available in your BYU-Pathway Worldwide Student Portal.

There are courses on this list that have prerequisites courses that you MUST complete before they can take the elective course. These courses are marked with an asterisk (*). You MUST check the prerequisites with the Peer Mentor or Advisor helping you before they can make a request for those elective courses to be added to your Degree Planner.

Upper-Division Courses:
Courses that are 300 and 400-level courses (for example FHGEN 340 and PUBH 460) are called upper-division courses. You may need help reaching the upper-division graduation requirements through electives if your certificates do not offer enough upper-division courses. This is especially true for the Three-Year Degree. Please be aware of your upper-division requirement and if it has been met when planning electives with a Peer Mentor or Advisor.

2. Elective Courses for Students on the 2019-2023 Catalog Years

Starting Fall 2023, BYU-Pathway Worldwide will only offer the electives listed below for 2019-2023 BYU-Idaho students. These elective courses are sourced from the 2023 catalog and apply to all students within the 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 catalog years. No other elective courses will be offered to these students except the ones in this section.

The Graphic Design Fundamentals courses are no longer offered as electives. This is due to the course seats needing to be reserved for students who have that certificate declared.

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have pre-requisites. Please contact your Peer Mentor for information on those pre-requisites.

Course CodeCourse NameCreditsCertificate Name
BUS 115Business Applications3Administrative Assistant
BUS 129Office Procedures3Administrative Assistant
BUS 240Word Processing3Administrative Assistant
BUS 180Cycle of Cash3Administrative Assistant
GS 170*Career Development1 Administrative Assistant
FHGEN 340*Genealogical Writing3 Advanced Family History Research
FHGEN 351*US Geographic Specialization3Advanced Family History Research
FHGEN 352*Introduction to Genetic Genealogy3Advanced Family History Research
FHGEN 411*Research Methodology3Advanced Family History Research
FHGEN 499R*Geographic Specialty Research3Advanced Family History Research
MKT 120Sales & Customer Relations3Commercial Fundamentals
PUBH 240Introduction to Public Health2Community and Environmental Health
NURS 105 Introduction to Nursing1Community and Environmental Health
NUTR 110Intro Human Nutrition and Food Safety3Community and Environmental Health
PUBH 480 Global Health3Community and Environmental Health
OSH 310 Environmental Health3Community and Environmental Health
OSH 450Environmental Sanitation and Water Quality Management3Community and Environmental Health
BUS 116Starting a Business3Entrepreneurship
BUS 117*Growing a Business3Entrepreneurship
BUS 118*Expanding a Business3Entrepreneurship
BUS 119*Strengthening a Business3Entrepreneurship
FHGEN 110Family History Research Success1Family History Research
FHGEN 120Internet and Computer Skills3Family History Research
FHGEN 130Paleography3Family History Research
FHGEN 241*Introduction Research Methodology3Family History Research
FHGEN 242*Introduction to Evidence Analysis3Family History Research
FAML 160Family Relations3Family Relations
FAML 100The Family3Family Relations
CHILD 210Child Development3Family Relations
FAML 220Parenting3Family Relations
FCS 340Money Management3Family Relations
FAML 360*Family Stress and Coping3Family Services
FAML 420*The Helping Relationship3Family Services
PUBH 460Drugs of Use and Abuse3Family Services
FAML 460*Child & Family Advocacy3Family Services
FAML 445*Teaching Family Life Ed3 Family Services
PSYCH 111General Psychology3Family Theory and Research
MATH 221C*Social Science Statistics3Family Theory and Research
PSYCH 302*Research Methods3Family Theory and Research
FAML 300Marital Dynamics3Family Theory and Research
FAML 400Family Theories & Dynamics3Family Theory and Research
MATH 221B*Biostatistics3Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 381Program Evaluation2Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 391Research Methods3Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 370*Epidemiology3Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 440Emergency Management3Health Program Strategies
PUBH 420Health Behavior Theories2Health Program Strategies
PUBH 390Program Planning and Implementation3Health Program Strategies
PUBH 401Community Health Methods2Health Program Strategies
PUBH 472Health Communications3Health Program Strategies
CSE 212* Programming with Data Structure2Software Development
CSE 270*Software Testing3Software Development
CSE 310*Applied Programming4Software Development
CSE 325*NET Software Development3Software Development
CSE 430*Architectural Design2Software Development
TESOL 101Introduction to TESOL
TESOL 104English Grammar for TESOL3TEFL
TESOL 105*TESOL Practice
1   TEFL
SPED 360
Diverse and Exceptional Students
ITM 111Introduction to Databases3Web Development
WDD 330*Web Frontend Development II3Web Development
CSE 340*Web Backend Development3Web Development
CSE 341*Web Services3Web Development
WDD 430*Web Full-Stack Development3Web Development

3. Elective Courses for Students on the 2024 Catalog Year
BYU-Pathway Worldwide will only offer the electives listed below for Three-Year Degree/2024 catalog year students attending BYU-Idaho.

Three-Year Degree students will need to take electives if their certificate and core courses have not fulfilled the Upper-Division requirement to graduate. Electives can ONLY be taken at the very end of the Three-Year Degree, there are no exceptions. All prerequisites will apply.

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have pre-requisites. Please contact your Peer Mentor for information on those pre-requisites.
Course CodeCourse NameCreditsCertificate Name
BUS 380*Introduction to International Business3Business Administration
FIN 301*Financial Management3Business Administration
MKT 351Social Media Marketing3Business Administration
SCM 361*Operations Management3Business Administration
BUS 410*Principles of Advanced Business Management3Business Administration
BUS 375Business Law3Business Core Course
BUS 374Social Innovation3Business Core Course
FIN 300*Business Finance3Business and Leadership Skills
BUS 321Organizational Leadership3Business and Leadership Skills
PUBH 480Global Health3Community and Environmental Health
OSH 310Environmental Health3Community and Environmental Health
OSH 450Environmental Sanitation and Water Quality Management3Community and Environmental Health
FCS 340Money Management3Family Relations
FAML 360*Family Stress and Coping3Family Services
FAML 420*Helping Relationship3Family Services
PUBH 460Drugs of Use & Abuse3Family Services
FAML 460*Child & Family Advocacy3Family Services
FAML 445*Teaching Family Life Education3Family Services
FAML 300Marital Dynamics 3Family Theory and Research
PUBH 440Emergency Management3Health Program Strategies
PUBH 420Health Behavior Theories & Models2Health Program Strategies
PUBH 390Program Planning/Implementation3Health Program Strategies
PUBH 401Community Health Methods2Health Program Strategies
PUBH 472Health Communications3Health Program Strategies
PUBH 391Research Methods3Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 381Program Evaluation3Health Program Evaluation
PUBH 370*Epidemiology3Health Program Evaluation
REL 324Doctrine and Covenants 2Religion
REL 325Doctrine and Covenants 2Religion
REL 333Teachings of the Living Prophets  2Religion
CSE 300*Professional Readiness1Software Development
CSE 310*Applied Programming3Software Development
CSE 325*.NET Software Development3Software Development
CSE 370Software Engineering Principles2Software Development
WDD 330*Web Frontend Development II3Web Development
CSE 340*Web Backend Development3Web Development
CSE 341*Web Services3Web Development
WDD 430*Web Full-Stack Development3Web Development
