Article Overview
(BYU Pathway Worldwide Online) PathwayConnect Information
Institute courses are available to you each term you are enrolled in PathwayConnect at no extra cost. You are expected to register for Institute during your PathwayConnect experience, even if you have previously completed and graduated from Institute. Available courses vary at each Institute location. Institute courses must be taken for credit (contact the local institute for questions concerning credits, or email,). Institute credits are not included on PathwayConnect official transcripts. Institute is not factored into your PathwayConnect GPA. However, it may count for credit when matriculating to an Online Degree Program*. With the PCB/PCIB programs, you will be able to take two Institute courses during your time with PathwayConnect. Check your local Institute for start and end dates of the course, because it may differ from the PathwayConnect course schedule. 
Institute is a separate entity from the PathwayConnect program. While we have some information available to you, you will receive more information by directly contacting the Institute program. Contact information can be found on your MyInstitute page when you register for courses or you may email:


Is Institute Required? 

Though not taking an institute course will not prevent you from completing the PathwayConnect program, you are strongly encouraged to take an institute course. Institute courses are an integral part of the PathwayConnect program and will enhance and improve your learning experience with our program. If you are planning to matriculate to an Online Degree Program the course may count for credit*. If you do not have reasonable access to credit-bearing Institute courses, you will be eligible for PathwayConnect completion.


Religion Courses 

Previously, if you were 31+ you would be able to take religion courses through BYU-Idaho. This program is no longer available, and all students are expected to take Institute. 


(BYU Pathway Worldwide Online) PathwayConnect Information
You may take Institute on any night. You may need to verify with an Institute representative that the class you are taking counts for CES credit. 
You normally register for Institute courses as part of the PathwayConnect application process:
  • PathwayConnect Application--Immediately after accepting your offer and selecting a gathering group you will be prompted to enroll in Institute during your application process.
  • PathwayConnect Portal--If you are unable to register in the application, you may try to register using your student portal after you have successfully enrolled in PathwayConnect. 
If you are unable to register through the student portal, you may register by using the following external resources:
Issues Registering on Institute Class Locator, or MyInstitute
You can email about issues.
Institute Not Offered in Area
Institute courses are offered in many locations (in person and virtually) throughout the world. You are expected to take a credit-bearing Institute course each semester where you can. However, if you do not have reasonable access to credit-bearing Institute courses, you will still be eligible for PathwayConnect completion. 
Teaching Institute and a PathwayConnect Student 
If you are currently teaching an Institute Course for CES credit Fill out the general petition link.
(BYU Pathway Worldwide Online) PathwayConnect Information
Start and End Date 
Some Institute classes may start on a different date than your PathwayConnect gathering group. You can contact Your local Institute if you have questions about the date, time, or location/link for your Institute class. 
Location of Course 
The location for an in-person institute course may not be the same location as a your gathering group. If you need details for your institute class, you should click on theMyInstitute” link in your student portal (right side of the screen). It will open another window ( where your institute details will appear.  
Accessing Online Institute Course(s) 
You can access your Institute courses by doing the following:
  1. Login to
  2. Look for your Institute course listed on right side of the page under “Institute”
  3. Click on the course you would like to access 
Following these steps you will be redirected to the Seminary & Institute’s Canvas where you can access your coursework. 
Online Institute Courses Not Displayed in Portal 
If your Institute course(s) are not displayed in your portal, you can use the Seminaries & Institutes Canvas Login link to access your coursework on Canvas directly. If the course is still not working contact Institute directly via email:
Institute is at the Same Time as PathwayConnect: 
You may choose to change either your PathwayConnect gathering or Institute course time. You may visit MyInstitute to change your Institute course time or email See PC - Gathering Location Transfer/Visiting for information on changing gathering group time 
(BYU Pathway Worldwide Online) PathwayConnect Information
Institute enrollment is not managed by BYU-Pathway Worldwide. You are not automatically withdrawn from your Institute courses, if you withdraw from PathwayConnect. You can keep your Institute courses even if you choose to withdraw. If you wish to withdraw from Institute, you will need to use Institute tools or contact your local Institute leader to do so. 
Students should reach out to your Mentor to help them through the program if you are experiencing any of the following:
  • Thinking of dropping out
  • Overwhelmed by family, work, church, or other responsibilities
  • Experiencing a life crisis
  • Needing support setting goals
  • Having a hard time fitting PathwayConnect into their lives
  • Struggling with time management 
See PC – Mentoring for more information about the mentoring program.