Article Overview
 Retakes occur when you repeat a PathwayConnect course or Introductory Certificate course that has been previously completed. You can only retake courses from the same term.
Example: If you are retaking PCB/PCIB 103, the only course you could retake in the same term would be the corresponding certificate course (not PCB/PCIB 101 or PCB/PCIB 102)

Returning Students
A returning student is any student who has completed at least one course with a passing grade. If you have passed a course previously, have taken a break, and are now trying to return you will be given the option to retake previous courses when using the returning student application.
Enrollment Options:



Block 1 


Block 2 


Option 1: PCB/PCIB 101  




Option 2: PCB/PCIB 103 + Certificate Course 



See BYU Pathway Academic Calendar for enrollment dates and deadlines for the different blocks. The above courses are the only courses available during those block times.

Already Received a Passing Grade
You will not be required to retake any courses within a term in which you have already received a passing grade. For example, if you did not receive a passing grade on your introductory certificate course, but you did pass PCB/PCIB 103, you will not be required to also retake PCB/PCIB 103 while retaking your certificate course. You will need to receive an enrollment exception and will need to fill out the following general petition link
Retaking Courses Out of Sequence
Normally you take the next course in sequence (for example PCB/PCIB 102 to PCB/PCIB 103). However, you may opt to retake a previous course out of sequence (for example PCB/PCIB 102 to retaking PCB/PCIB 101).
Previous Balance
If you have a previous balance or bad debt you are not permitted to retake a course until you have paid that balance. You will be charged tuition for retaking courses.

Retaking as a Block Class
If you took a class as a 14-week course you will need to retake the course as a block class. 14-week courses are no longer offered.
There is no limit to the number of times you can retake a PathwayConnect course. If you transfer you must recognize that a transfer institution may not accept the retake course per this definition.
Retaken courses replace the credit and grade of the same previously completed course (or its equivalent) if the grade of the course retaken is higher. The highest grade of all the retakes is calculated into the GPA and earned credits. Previous courses remain on the transcript and are designated as retake courses.
Example: You may have received a C+ in PCB/PCIB 102 and a C- in PCB/PCIB 103, so you may think that PCB/PCIB 103 will be the better option for you to retake to raise your GPA. However, PCB/PCIB 102 is a 3-credit course, while PCB/PCIB 103 is a 1-credit course, so retaking PCB/PCIB102 would have a greater effect on your GPA.
In order for you to be considered eligible to retake an academic without attending the gathering groups, you need to follow these requirements:
  1. Earned a passing grade (Passing grade: D-) in the traditional gathering group version of the course
  2. Gathered with their PathwayConnect group for the entire term they were enrolled
Introductory Certificate Course Retakes
If you do not need to enroll/attend a PCB/PCIB 103 course and/or gathering group if you passed the course with a D- or higher. See Section 6 for more information.
If you need to retake a course from the “old curriculum” you will be unable to retake the same course, as old curriculum courses are no longer offered. 

Old Curriculum
Old curriculum courses are: 
  • GS 120(L)
  • MAT 100(L)
  • ENG 106(L)
  • PC 101(L)
  • PC 102(L)
  • PC 103(L)
Course Equivalents
If you have a low or failing grade in one of the old curriculum courses, you can use the information below to find the correct course equivalent to retake:
  • GS 120(L) → PCB/PCIB 101
  • MAT 100(L) → PCB/PCIB 102
  • ENG 106(L) → PCB/PCIB 102
  • PC 101(L) → PCB/PCIB 101
  • PC 102(L) → PCB/PCIB 102
  • PC 103(L) → PCB/PCIB 103
To be considered for admission to the online degree program, you must have a 3.0 or higher program GPA. The program GPA is calculated from completed grades received in PCB/PCIB101, PCB/PCIB 102, PCB/PCIB 103, or equivalents. 
To be awarded a PathwayConnect certificate of completion, you will need to fulfill the introductory certificate course requirement. You may do so by doing
one of the following:
  1. Retake through PathwayConnect: You may retake any* introductory certificate course(s) in a first-block term. You do not need to take this with PCB/PCIB 103, unless you did not pass that course. You will need to fill out the general petition link and state you do not need to take PCB/PCIB 103 with your introductory certificate retake
  2. Retake through PathwayConnect Certificates and Online Degrees:  You may retake *any introductory certificate course(s). If you choose this option you will need to receive a C- grade or higher in that course and submit a general petition link requesting to have you previously failed course waived only for the purpose of receiving a Certificate of Completion. The failed course grade will remain on the student's cumulative transcript. Grades cannot be removed from a transcript under any circumstances.
*You may retake the same certificate course attempted previously, or you may retake another certificate course, as long as it is an introductory certificate course offered by both PathwayConnect and the respective online certificate and degree program.
See OD - BYU Hawaii